Terms & Conditions

Effective date: February 14, 2024

WbRdio, accessible at https://wbrdio.com (the “provider”), offers services for radio station hosting, setup, and management of online streaming service and associated digital services. WbRdio retains the right to modify this document as deemed appropriate. Clients are responsible for regularly reviewing this document for updates.

All content on this site, including text, images, illustrations, code, scripts, and audio clips/live audio, is protected by copyrights owned and controlled by WbRdio. Material from this website may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed without explicit written permission from WbRdio.

Please refrain from misusing our services. Do not disrupt our services or attempt to access them through any means other than the provided interface and instructions. Usage of our services must comply with relevant laws, including export and control regulations. Distribution of illegal or unsociable material through our services is prohibited. WbRdio reserves the right to cease such activities, including but not limited to engaging in unlawful behavior, disseminating false information, or abusing our infrastructure. Failure to comply may result in immediate termination of your account. We reserve the right to suspend or cease providing our services to you if you violate our terms or policies or if we suspect misconduct.

Using our Services does not grant you ownership of any intellectual property rights within our Services or the content you access. You may not utilize content from our Services without obtaining permission from its owner or unless permitted by law. Our terms do not authorize the use of any branding or logos featured in our Services. Legal notices displayed within or alongside our Services must not be removed, obscured, or altered.

Certain content displayed in our Services originates from third parties, and the responsibility for such content lies solely with the entity making it available. While we may review content to ascertain legality or policy violations, we reserve the right to remove or decline to display content believed to violate our policies or the law. However, this does not imply that all content is reviewed, so please refrain from assuming so.

During your use of the Services, you may receive service announcements, administrative messages, and other informational communications, some of which you can opt out of.

Users are responsible for their own platforms, and WbRdio is not liable for users’ actions. All liability and responsibilities, including song licenses, products, data, and content, belong to the station owner. API resources for WbRdio products are shared among system users, and clients must acknowledge this. We reserve the right to monitor, restrict, suspend API access, or bill clients who consistently utilize disproportionate shared resources.

WbRdio does not offer legal cover to individuals or companies utilizing our services to distribute copyrighted content. We do not assume responsibility for our clients’ or their users’ behavior when broadcasting protected content. Licensing, copyright, and royalty issues are solely the responsibility of individual clients and/or their production entities.

We do not provide music licensing or royalty coverage. It is advisable to consult qualified professionals or relevant authorities in your country regarding copyright and licensing matters.

If authorities contact us regarding the distribution of illegal content, such as adult or racist material, we will fully cooperate with any investigations against clients found to be violating the law.

Certain Services are accessible on mobile devices. Please refrain from using these Services in a manner that distracts you from adhering to traffic or safety regulations.

Fair Use & Overages:

All clients are subject to a fair use policy to maintain network health. Excessive use of our API or streaming servers may result in rate limiting or temporary station shutdown. If such action is necessary, a member of our team will contact the station owner.

Without exception, clients must notify WbRdio in advance of using our services for large events or product launches. Failure to do so may result in service interruptions, for which WbRdio will not be held liable.

All plans include concurrent listener limits. WbRdio may pause your station and inform you of fair use violations if your station exceeds sudden bandwidth usage.


With the exception of unusual circumstances such as prolonged service interruption or incorrect billing, all payments billed to existing clients are non-refundable. Users wishing to cancel their service should do so via the My Account section of their WbRdio account at least 2 days before their next billing date or within their 14-day trial period.

Our base pricing is listed in Euros (€) and is subject to change based on current exchange rates. Cancelling a subscription without notification may result in automated termination of service and data loss.

You are not entitled to a refund if you have violated the terms of service in any manner.

Support and Communications Policy

Customers who require technical support can contact us at any time via the live chat or E-Mail to info@wbrdio.com

Your Content in our Services:

Certain Services offered by us enable you to upload, submit, store, send, or receive content. You maintain ownership of any intellectual property rights you possess in that content. Essentially, what is yours remains yours.

By uploading, submitting, storing, sending, or receiving content through our Services, you grant WbRdio (and those we collaborate with) a worldwide license to utilize, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as translations, adaptations, or other alterations to ensure your content functions optimally with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, and distribute such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and enhancing our Services, as well as developing new ones. Some Services may offer mechanisms to access and remove content provided to that Service. Additionally, certain Services may have terms or settings that limit our use of submitted content. It’s important to ensure that you possess the necessary rights to grant us this license for any content you submit to our Services.

Modifying and Terminating our Services:

We continuously evolve and enhance our Services, which may involve adding or removing functionalities or features, or suspending or discontinuing a Service altogether.

You have the freedom to cease using our Services at any time, although we would regret losing you as a user. WbRdio may also choose to cease providing Services to you, or impose new limits on our Services, at any time.

We acknowledge that you own your data, and ensuring your access to such data is a priority. If we discontinue a Service, we will endeavor to provide you with reasonable advance notice and an opportunity to retrieve information from that Service, where feasible.

Our Warranties and Disclaimers:

We provide our Services with a commercially reasonable level of skill and care, and we hope you derive satisfaction from using them. However, there are certain aspects of our Services that we do not guarantee.

Except as expressly stated in these terms or additional terms, neither WbRdio nor its suppliers or distributors make any specific commitments regarding the Services. For instance, we do not guarantee the content within the Services, the specific functionalities of the Services, or their reliability, availability, or ability to meet your requirements. We offer the Services “as is.”

Some jurisdictions afford certain warranties, such as the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties.

Liability for our Services:

To the extent permitted by law, WbRdio, along with its suppliers and distributors, shall not be held accountable for lost profits, revenues, or data, financial losses, or indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages.

In compliance with applicable law, the total liability of WbRdio, its suppliers, and distributors for any claims arising under these terms, including any implied warranties, is limited to the amount you paid us for using the Services (or, at our discretion, providing the Services to you again).

In all scenarios, WbRdio, its suppliers, and distributors shall not be liable for any loss or damage that is not reasonably foreseeable.

We acknowledge that in certain countries, consumers may possess legal rights. If you are utilizing the Services for personal purposes, then nothing in these terms or any additional terms shall restrict any consumer’s legal rights that cannot be waived through contract.

About these Terms:

We reserve the right to amend these terms or any service-specific terms to reflect changes in the law or our Services. It’s advisable to review the terms regularly. Notice of modifications to these terms will be posted on this page, while notice of modified additional terms will be posted in the relevant Service. Changes will not apply retroactively and will become effective no sooner than fourteen days after posting. However, changes made for new functions of a Service or for legal reasons will take effect immediately. If you disagree with the modified terms for a Service, you should discontinue its use.

In case of any inconsistency between these terms and the additional terms, the additional terms shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Any charges specified in these terms are denoted in Euro (€). If your subscription is billed in a different currency, we will utilize the current day’s exchange rate to process any charges due.

These terms govern the relationship between WbRdio and you and do not confer any rights to third-party beneficiaries.

Failure to enforce any term immediately does not waive any rights we may have (such as taking action in the future).

If any particular term is deemed unenforceable, it will not affect the enforceability of any other terms.